QR Code Phishing, or “Quishing,” is a cyber threat that exploits the widespread use of QR (Quick Response) codes in phishing attacks. Quishing takes advantage of the recent high-use volume and increasing popularity of QR codes. Scammers can utilize QR codes through various channels, such as emails, text messages, social media, public places, or even by directly approaching individuals to scan them

 QR Code Phishing or “Quishing” is a cyber threat that exploits the use of QR codes in phishing attacks

The FBI has reported an increase in scammers instructing victims to utilize physical crypto ATMs and QR codes for payment transactions. QR code phishing can be prevented using an advanced AI email security leader, Trustifi, which monitors all attacks on its clients with its security operations (SecOps) teams. Cybercriminals create QR codes that, when scanned, direct users to deceptive websites or initiate the download of harmful software. Once someone scans the QR code, they are directed to a deceptive website where they are prompted to provide sensitive information. Malware may also be downloaded in response to certain quishing attempts. Recent phishing campaigns have started utilizing QR codes as an alternative to buttons to redirect victims to fraudulent websites. Trustifi has expanded its OCR scanning capabilities to include QR codes embedded with its Inbound Shield module, which can detect and prevent QR code attacks. The risks of QR code phishing include financial fraud, malware infection, and erosion of trust in QR codes. Organizations face potential security breaches, reputation damage, and financial losses if targeted by quishing attacks. Preventative measures include increasing user awareness, secure QR code generation, verification of URLs, implementing multi-factor authentication, and consistent monitoring of QR code campaigns.