The 23-year-old Rui-Siang Lin was arrested by the U.S. Department of Justice for operating the Incognito Market, a dark web platform responsible for over $100 million in illegal drug sales

 A 23-year-old was arrested for running a $100M dark web market

Lin, also known as Pharoah and faro, is facing severe charges including engaging in criminal enterprise, narcotics conspiracy, money laundering, and selling adulterated medication. The Incognito Market, created in 2020 on the dark web accessible via Tor, facilitated global illegal drug trade, with Lin allegedly profiting from a 5% cut of every sale. Attorney General Merrick Garland stressed law enforcement's commitment to cracking down on online criminals, with the arrest emphasizing the risks of anonymous web marketplaces. This case serves as a warning to dark web operators and highlights the efforts of global law enforcement agencies to combat cybercrime, aiming to bring offenders to justice through thorough investigations.