The ZLoader malware has incorporated an anti-analysis feature from the Zeus banking trojan, making it more difficult to detect and analyze. This new version, 2.4

ZLoader Malware evolves with anti-analysis trick from Zeus Banking Trojan

1.0, prevents execution on machines other than the originally infected one, showcasing active development. By stalling execution in other machines, ZLoader's evolution includes RSA encryption addition and updates to its domain generation algorithm. The malware's technique, similar to Zeus 2.0.8, involves a Registry check and MZ header values, hindering execution outside the original system. This evolution highlights the ongoing efforts of threat actors to enhance the malware's stealth and evade detection, while fraudulent websites on platforms like Weebly are utilized to spread ZLoader. The malware's deployment through black hat SEO techniques to steal data, coupled with email-based phishing campaigns targeting various countries, showcase the evolving tactics employed by cyber criminals. ```