The article highlights the importance of CISOs addressing employee discontent and the human aspect of security in insider risk management. It emphasizes that CISOs often focus on technology but need to consider employees' relationships with the company. The piece underlines the significance of CISOs acknowledging and addressing workforce dissatisfaction, as research shows that job satisfaction is linked to feedback and engagement from managers

CISOs must focus on the human side of security equation to manage insider threats

By paying attention to the human side of the equation, CISOs can prevent risks that stem from employee discontent. The text also mentions that CISOs themselves are not immune to discontent, urging leaders to recognize that stressed leadership can impact entire teams. Moreover, it discusses the Pew report showing that a lack of feedback and mentorship at work correlates with lower employee satisfaction, indicating the need for more engagement from management. Furthermore, the article advises on the importance of identifying anomalous behaviors and promoting a culture of 'see something, say something' to mitigate insider threats effectively. ```