The Ministry of Migration and Asylum in Greece was fined and received a GDPR compliance order after an investigation by the Greek SA, highlighting the importance of adhering to data protection regulations in Greece. This demonstrates the active role of the Greek SA in enforcing GDPR rules through audits and fines, as seen in cases involving debt management companies, telecommunications firms, and employers for various data protection breaches. Additionally, opinions by the competent supervisory authority of Greece on matters like accreditation and code of conduct monitoring bodies further illustrate the regulatory actions taken to ensure compliance with GDPR guidelines within the country

 Ministry of Migration and Asylum in Greece receives administrative fine and compliance order due to own-initiative investigation by Greek SA

These initiatives aim to safeguard individuals' personal data rights and uphold data protection standards in Greece, contributing to the broader goals of the European Data Protection Board in promoting consistency, cooperation, and enforcement of data protection laws across EU member states.