Facebook's journey over 20 years has been marked by significant events shaping the discussions on privacy and data protection. From Mark Zuckerberg's initial launch at Harvard University to the social media giant's involvement in the 'Attention Economy,' the platform has influenced the way information is shared globally. Privacy experts like Martin J

 Facebook has faced challenges regarding privacy in its two-decade history

Kraemer and Justin Daniels highlight the conflicted nature of Facebook's core function of collecting user data and the implications for privacy rights. The Cambridge Analytica scandal in 2016 exposed the risks of mass data collection, leading to regulatory frameworks like GDPR and CCPA. This event marked a turning point in how policymakers and the public perceived online privacy and security. Furthermore, Facebook's role in disseminating misinformation and the challenges in securing user data against cyber threats have raised concerns about the future of privacy online. AJ Nash predicts a 'post-privacy world' driven by user resignation and skepticism, with the younger generations showing less concern for privacy. As social media platforms continue to gather vast amounts of user information, the idea of privacy protection becomes increasingly untenable, shaping a new era in the digital landscape. ```