The commercial industry in the rapidly expanding space economy faces cybersecurity challenges due to the integration of commercial space solutions with critical issues of dual-use capabilities, cyber and counterspace threats from China and Russia, and the increasing space economy value. This shift involves managing cyber and interdependent risks, the ambiguity of dual-use technologies, and balancing security with commercial advancements. The US and China focus on intelligence and strategic platforms while startups face financial constraints in securing space assets

 The commercial industry faces cybersecurity challenges in the rapidly expanding space economy

The challenges impact not only space firms but also cybersecurity and interconnected businesses, with the USSF juggling multiple cybersecurity requirements and preparing for conflict scenarios with kinetic and cyber attacks. The USSF embraces commercial solutions to enhance resilience in peacetime but must also navigate the expanded attack surface in conflict scenarios, relying on robust cybersecurity standards and close collaboration with commercial partners to counter threats from China and Russia. The success of the USSF Commercial Space Strategy depends on agile, adaptive approaches to balancing innovation, security, and maintaining a strategic edge over competitors in a contested space domain.