Cycode has introduced an ASPM connector marketplace with over 100 integrations to connect its ASPM platform with other tools, a move seen as essential but not groundbreaking by analysts. Sandra Carielli from Forrester Research and Dale Gardner from Gartner both mentioned that the ability to integrate with third-party scanning tools is crucial for any ASPM vendor to succeed. While Cycode emphasized the significance of their marketplace, analysts expressed reservations about its impact due to the company's size

 Cycode launches ASPM connector marketplace analysts find it minimal

They noted that although having many integrations out-of-the-box is beneficial, the number may not be as important as having the right ones. Ultimately, the marketplace offers convenience and speed of deployment, yet the true value lies in whether it meets customers' specific integration needs. The analysts highlighted the competitive landscape where Cycode aims to enhance its integrations to remain relevant in the market and improve its competitive position. ```