In the latest episode of the 'Smashing Security' podcast, cybersecurity experts Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault cover the topic of cybercriminals stealing one-time passcodes from boomers and a surprising twist in a deepfake case involving a mother accused of creating explicit videos to harass her daughter's cheerleading rivals. The podcast delves into the implications of this case and how nothing was faked as initially believed. The hosts provide insights on this incident and other cybersecurity issues, warning listeners of possible adult themes and rude language in the show

 Discussion on cybercriminals stealing one-time passcodes and a surprising development in a deepfake case in the latest Smashing Security podcast

Additionally, they discuss the use of deepfakes, SIM swap attacks, and the importance of securing sensitive information to prevent unauthorized access to bank accounts. The episode also features sponsorships from Kiteworks, Vanta, and Kolide, offering solutions for secure file transfer, compliance automation, and device trust. Listeners are encouraged to support the podcast by sharing it with friends, leaving reviews, or becoming patrons for ad-free episodes and early-release feeds.