Chinese researchers at Shanghai University show how quantum mechanics can be used to threaten current encryption schemes before universal quantum computers are widely available. By successfully factoring a 50-bit integer using D-Wave's quantum computer, the researchers were able to derive private keys for decryption, highlighting a potential risk to modern cryptography. Although breaking 2048-bit encryption keys is still computationally infeasible, the research signifies progress in exploiting cryptographic weaknesses through specialized quantum techniques

 Chinese Researchers demonstrate a quantum attack on RSA encryption

As quantum computers are expected to undermine current encryption within a few years, stakeholders are actively working on developing new quantum-resistant cryptography standards. The Chinese research explores quantum annealing for cryptography, providing fresh insights beyond traditional gate-based quantum computing approaches. While significant advancements are still needed before quantum computers can break encryption, organizations are urged to invest in quantum-resistant technologies and update security protocols to mitigate future risks. ```