Sophisticated nation-state actors are poised to use a combination of targeted hacking operations and AI-generated deepfakes to influence elections globally, as highlighted by social media firms in response to a U.K. inquiry

 Sophisticated nation-state actors may combine hacks with AI-generated leaks to influence elections posing a significant threat

With nearly 4 billion people expected to vote in the 2024 elections, disinformation campaigns using AI pose significant risks in the U.K., U.S., Europe, and beyond. Platforms such as Microsoft, Google, and YouTube are taking measures to detect and counter the malicious use of AI, but concerns linger over an uncoordinated approach and the creation of 'echo chambers' limiting users' exposure to diverse information. The use of synthetic AI combined with legitimate content, such as voice manipulation in videos and counterfeit media logos, is a growing concern, as it could influence media coverage to favor specific candidates. Efforts to mitigate AI threats are underway, but the lack of a unified approach to address these risks could expose users to misinformation and manipulation during critical election periods. ```