The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) chairwoman, Jessica Rosenworcel, has proposed measures to protect against BGP vulnerabilities, requiring ISPs to submit confidential reports on managing security risks related to BGP usage. The FCC's interest in BGP security heightened after Russian hackers exploited BGP vulnerabilities post the Ukraine invasion. BGP hijacks can lead to national security threats like data theft and espionage

 FCC proposes requiring large broadband service providers submit confidential reports on plans to secure BGP

The proposal suggests implementing origin validation and RPKI for cryptographic verification of route origins. Broadband providers would need to develop BGP Routing Security Risk Management Plans and submit them to the FCC for review. This move aims to enhance BGP security and ensure national security interests are safeguarded. The FCC is set to vote on the proposal at an upcoming meeting, emphasizing the critical need to address BGP security risks through industry standards and best practices.