The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) has introduced Siren, an email mailing list focused on sharing threat intelligence about vulnerabilities in open source software, aiming to centralize the dissemination of real-time security warning bulletins and create a community-driven knowledge base. Prompted by the discovery of a backdoor in the XZ Utils library, which highlighted the absence of a unified method for distributing open source project threat intelligence, Siren enables members to exchange tactics, techniques, procedures from attacks on open source software, and indicators of compromise. While the oss-security mailing list is valuable for disclosing vulnerabilities within the community, OpenSSF noted a lack of efficient channels for sharing exploit information broadly, including with open source projects, distributors, security researchers, and developers

 OpenSSF Siren is an email mailing list for sharing threat intelligence on vulnerabilities in open source software

Siren is not for revealing new flaws but acts as a post-disclosure mechanism to keep the community informed post-sharing and coordination, accessible to the public with registration required for posting. OpenSSF encourages participation from all community members, be they developers, maintainers, or security enthusiasts, to join and benefit from this vital threat intelligence-sharing platform. ```