The state of Public Sector IT services is failing to meet their purposes, leading to security breaches, disrupted services, productivity downtime, and overspending, particularly in the UK. The public sector is exposed to cybersecurity threats worldwide, with the UK being a prime target. Despite adequate budgets and mature technology solutions available, the major issue lies in the broken tender process that promotes overspending and reliance on a limited number of vendors

 Public Sector IT services are inadequate causing security breaches and downtime disruptions

The flawed tendering process, lacking proper due diligence, results in the public sector being charged excessively for IT deployments and facing increased security threats due to widespread infrastructure models. The procurement process is skewed towards inflated costs, with fair pricing being seemingly discouraged. A call for rebuilding in-house expertise, updating pricing expectations, challenging avaricious IT vendors, and moving away from a herd mentality to improve security practices and cost-effectiveness in public sector IT operations is emphasized. Learning from successful local authorities with effective security track records that have applied thorough due diligence in procurement is suggested to drive positive change and mitigate risks.