DevSecOps is a software development approach aiming to integrate security into DevOps processes by making it an integral part of software quality with automated security tools. The evolution from traditional methodologies to DevSecOps reflects the need to embed application security early in the development and operations process. As businesses relied more on web applications, the isolation of security processes was no longer feasible, leading to the integration of security into DevOps

 DevSecOps integrates security practices into DevOps processes and is evolving to address security risks in agile web application development

With the use of security tools and cultural changes, organizations can ensure security is a fundamental aspect of software delivery processes. DevSecOps differs from DevOps by incorporating security throughout the workflow and requiring collaboration between development, operations, and security teams. Essential changes include automating security checks, finding and addressing security flaws early, and incorporating security visibility into the development processes. Effective DevSecOps implementation involves using security tools like SAST and DAST, integrating them into the software development lifecycle, and fostering collaboration among teams. Invicti Enterprise, a DAST solution, supports DevSecOps by providing accurate vulnerability testing and issue management to streamline workflows and ensure a secure development lifecycle. ```