Zero-day exploits have become more prevalent, leading to shorter exploit cycles, increased need for post-incident response, and higher security strain on IT teams according to Rapid7's 2024 Attack Intelligence Report. As these attacks surpass known flaws, security strategies must adapt to focus on post-exploitation controls and detections. With an increase in zero-day attacks, CISOs must reevaluate their strategies and prioritize incident response to limit damage from widespread attacks, some targeting network edge devices

 Zero-day exploits lead to a shift in security strategies

With attackers shifting to simpler exploits and a rise in ransomware incidents, measures like implementing multi-factor authentication, strengthening vulnerability management programs, and reducing internet-exposed attack surfaces are recommended for a more robust defense-in-depth approach. Additionally, Rapid7 advises organizations to focus on human expertise alongside technology to combat modern cyberthreats effectively, given the risk of burnout and brain drain on security teams. ```