Cyber resilience has become a critical element in business strategy, as more companies face the inevitability of cyber attacks like the one Colonial Pipeline experienced. Organizations must shift their view of resilience from a mere regulatory box-ticking exercise to a comprehensive approach that enables quick recovery post-cyber incidents. With ransomware payments hitting record highs, CEOs and CSOs recognize that it's not a matter of 'if' but 'when' an attack will occur

 Being cyber resilient means going beyond compliance to consider all aspects of a business

Confidence in handling cyber risks remains low among IT security leaders, with financial services organizations being the most prepared. However, smaller companies, and those in the industrial and manufacturing sectors, feel less optimistic. As geopolitical instability and AI complexity rise, CISOs must strengthen cyber defenses and prepare for worst-case scenarios. Regulations like DORA in the EU and SEC mandates in the US are reshaping the cyber resilience landscape, driving companies towards a holistic approach. Cyber resilience also includes a focus on software supply chains, AI technologies, and the role of people in fostering a culture of security awareness. The evolving regulatory landscape and the need for global compliance underline the importance of harmonizing cyber resilience strategies and improving security practices. ```