Communication between cybersecurity professionals and the C-suite is critical for effective cybersecurity efforts within a business. Safe-U founder and CEO, Jorge Litvin, highlighted the importance of framing security discussions in terms that resonate with executives during the ISC2 Security Congress. The key is to explain cybersecurity risks in business terms to gain support and secure budget allocations for cybersecurity projects

 To present cybersecurity in a resonating way communicate in the executives' language

Litvin emphasized the need for cybersecurity professionals to speak in the language of the executives, focusing on protecting core business functions rather than trying to protect everything. By showing how cybersecurity projects can benefit the company, using strong opening and closing statements in meetings, and keeping communication points simple and concise, cybersecurity professionals can engage the C-suite effectively. Encouraging executives to participate in cybersecurity efforts, aligning the cybersecurity team with larger business goals, and seeking interdepartmental communication are also crucial strategies to present cybersecurity in a way that resonates and garners support.