Assessing organizational culture using open-source intelligence (OSINT) is crucial for evaluating job offers and making informed career decisions. By examining publicly available data, social media presence, and employee reviews, individuals can determine if a company's culture aligns with their values, leading to better engagement, recognition, and overall well-being in the workplace. This talk emphasizes the significance of understanding corporate culture, highlighting how a poor cultural fit can result in stress and dissatisfaction

 Assessing corporate culture using OSINT tools for informed career decisions

The presentation covers defining corporate culture, the importance of assessing it, leveraging OSINT tools for evaluation, key questions to ask during research, and the long-term benefits of integrating culture assessments into decision-making processes. Tailored for those new to information security, the session provides practical knowledge on utilizing OSINT tools to assess and align with a company's culture before entering any professional relationship, ultimately contributing to personal and professional growth. ```