The text provides insights into the top 10 Managed Service Providers (MSP) for Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) and IT Managers in 2024. It explains the essential functionalities delivered by MSPs, such as Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) and Professional Services Automation (PSA), and highlights key features and benefits offered by leading MSPs like Perimeter 81, Secureworks, IBM, Trustwave, Wipro, Verizon, Sophos, Symantec, Fortinet, and Check Point. The text outlines the selection criteria for the best MSP solutions, including understanding business needs, evaluating MSP expertise, considering security and compliance, scalability, service level agreements, proactive support, cost, transparency, software features, integration capabilities, client feedback, and finalizing contracts

 Top 10 MSP for CISO & IT Managers in 2024

Each of the recommended MSPs is detailed along with their pros, cons, features, standout aspects, and reasons why they are recommended for businesses seeking robust security and IT management solutions in 2024. ```