Advanced Cyber Defence Systems (ACDS) is one of the first 100 companies including AWS, Microsoft, Google, Cisco, and IBM, to sign the US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) and UK National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) Secure by Design pledge. This commitment involves enhancing product security by achieving seven key security goals, such as implementing multi-factor authentication, reducing default passwords, and improving security patch installation. The increasing threat to US critical infrastructure from cyber groups like Volt Typhoon has reinforced the importance of such initiatives

 Advanced Cyber Defence Systems joins CISA’s Secure by Design Pledge with other elite companies

The pledge allows participating companies to decide how to meet the security goals and demonstrate progress. ACDS's CTO, Elliott Wilkes, emphasizes their dedication to cybersecurity and protecting clients by signing the pledge. This initiative aims to enhance trust, align with industry standards, improve product security, and demonstrate corporate responsibility in the face of growing cyber threats from different actors.