The UK Government has pledged £8.5m to support new AI safety research aimed at addressing cyber-threats like deepfakes, emphasizing the importance of 'systemic AI safety' to protect society and leverage AI benefits. Led by researcher Shahar Avin at the AI Safety Institute in collaboration with UK Research and Innovation and The Alan Turing Institute, the program focuses on mitigating risks from AI systems being targeted or misused by threat actors

UK Government commits £85m to combat AI cyber-threats

The initiative aims to foster collaboration among UK-based researchers and global AI safety institutes to proactively manage the evolving AI threat landscape. With the National Cyber Security Centre warning about an expected surge in malicious AI use leading to more cyber-attacks, the funding represents a crucial step in ensuring secure deployment of AI across various sectors. The AI Safety Institute's efforts include identifying vulnerabilities in generative AI chatbots and fostering commitments from major AI companies to develop AI models safely, underscoring the need to adapt infrastructure for a future where AI is deeply integrated into societal frameworks. ```