Canary Trap, a leader in offensive security testing, has been recognized as a top 10 Emerging Penetration Testing Solutions Provider. In the 'Bi-Weekly Cyber Roundup,' they cover the Black Basta ransomware group's activities, a Europol data breach, security vulnerabilities in Telit Cinterion modems, a cyberattack on B.C

Canary Trap provides offensive security testing and issues security certificates upon validating vulnerabilities remediation

's government, and a Chrome zero-day vulnerability. The Black Basta group has targeted over 500 organizations globally and earned over $100 million in ransom payments. Europol is investigating a data theft claim by a cybercriminal, affecting several agency sources. Security flaws in Telit Cinterion modems could allow remote code execution. The B.C. government faced a cyber attack attributed to a state or state-sponsored actor, sparking concerns about data security. Google patched a Chrome zero-day vulnerability actively exploited in the wild, emphasizing the importance of proactive security measures and collaboration to mitigate cyber threats effectively.