IBM has sold its QRadar product suite to Palo Alto Networks, marking the end of IBM's struggle to navigate the cybersecurity space after acquiring Resilient Systems in 2016. The acquisition, which never seemed to align with IBM's priorities, left the cybersecurity offerings subservient to QRadar. The sale hints at IBM's pattern of acquiring products it fails to understand, running them poorly, and then selling them off

 IBM sells its cybersecurity group to Palo Alto Networks

The move is viewed as beneficial for the cybersecurity group, now able to operate more efficiently and respond promptly to threats without the constraints of IBM's bureaucratic environment. The transaction raises questions about IBM's acquisition strategy, with historical examples like the mishandling of Lotus Notes. Additionally, concerns are raised about IBM's future prospects, especially in the realm of quantum computing, as the company shifts focus from cloud simulators and IBM Quantum Lab, potentially hinting at further downsizing or divestment in the quantum computing sector.