IAG has introduced a new cyber insurance product called 'Cylo backed by CGU' targeting small businesses in Australia, aiming to enhance their cyber resilience and provide protection against cyber-attacks. The initiative offers a unique secure and insure solution that integrates cyber security within the insurance policy, catering to businesses with revenues up to AUD10 million, addressing the increasing cyber threats. Collaborating with UpGuard and Crawford & Company, the product includes ongoing cyber risk monitoring and 24/7 incident response to help prevent and manage cyber incidents effectively

IAG launches a cyber insurance product for SMEs in Australia

With cyber risk being a top concern for Australian CEOs, the initiative aims to bridge the gap in small business cyber insurance coverage, as only 20% of them currently have standalone cyber insurance. 'Cylo backed by CGU' is exclusively accessible through CGU-affiliated brokers, part of IAG's efforts to provide comprehensive cyber insurance protection to SMEs. ```