The article emphasizes the importance of cyber resilience for businesses, especially in light of increasing ransomware attacks and the evolving regulatory landscape. Cyber resilience goes beyond mere compliance, requiring organizations to be prepared for inevitable breaches and to recover quickly post-attack. To achieve this, CISOs must shift their mindset, view resilience as more than a tick-box exercise, and ensure organizational readiness to bounce back after a cybersecurity incident

CISOs need to prioritize cyber resilience as a business imperative

The concept of cyber resilience integrates various aspects of the business, including supply chain security, proactive risk assessment, vendor evaluation, and employee training. Furthermore, the rise of generative AI tools for cyber attacks adds complexity to resilience strategies, highlighting the need for AI as an aid rather than a substitute for human oversight. Alongside technical solutions, the article also stresses the significance of having the right people and fostering a culture of security awareness within organizations to enhance cyber resilience. ```