In the blog post titled 'What to Do If Your Email Is Hacked' on McAfee's website, it emphasizes the importance of taking immediate action if you suspect your email has been hacked. The author highlights the significance of changing your password to a complex one not used before, and the necessity of updating the passwords on any other accounts that share the same credentials to prevent further breaches. Moreover, it suggests informing your contacts about the hack to avoid potential malware spreading, implementing multi-factor authentication for enhanced security, checking email settings for any suspicious changes made by the hacker, scanning your computer for malware, and considering creating a new email address if multiple hacks occur

 In case your email is hacked change the password and enable multi-factor authentication

The article also underlines the risk of hackers selling personal information for profit and the importance of using password managers and security software like McAfee+ to protect against cyber threats and maintain digital privacy.