Rui-Siang Lin, also known as 'Pharoah,' the alleged mastermind behind the notorious dark web narcotics market 'Incognito' aimed at trafficking drugs worth over $100 million into the U.S. since October 2020, has been apprehended by federal authorities at JFK Airport

 Taiwanese Rui-Siang Lin 23 arrested at JFK Airport for operating $100M dark web drug marketplace

The marketplace, accessible via Tor on the dark web, allowed for anonymous transactions related to dangerous drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines. Lin faces charges including narcotics conspiracy, money laundering, and conducting a criminal enterprise. Having orchestrated a mass-extortion campaign, the marketplace threatened its users, reigned with an 'exit scam,' and sold adulterated medication, presenting significant risks to public health and safety. Lin's influence as the head of Incognito extended to operational decisions, vendor management, and revenue allocation, with the marketplace's architecture designed to cater to anonymous transactions. This development marks a significant enforcement action against the dark web's illegal drug trade, underlining the determination of authorities to bring cybercriminals to justice and ensure public protection from the threats posed by such online marketplaces.