Hackers, particularly a group of Russian-speaking threat actors from the CIS, have orchestrated a sophisticated cybercrime operation utilizing GitHub and FileZilla to disseminate dangerous banking malware. They created fake GitHub accounts with malware-infected repositories, such as Pixelmator Pro, 1Password, and Bartender 5, housing malware like Atomic MacOS Stealer (AMOS) and Vidar. The shared command-and-control (C2) infrastructure indicated collaboration among the hackers

 Hackers exploited GitHub and FileZilla to deliver banking malware

The evolving nature of these threats calls for proactive cybersecurity measures, including code review processes and automated scanning tools. Moreover, the usage of FileZilla alongside GitHub shows the necessity of a multi-layered cybersecurity approach. Businesses are urged to enhance security by monitoring and blocking unauthorized programs, collaborating with the cybersecurity community, and maintaining vigilance against online threats.