In episode 372 of the \Smashing Security\ podcast, cybersecurity experts Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault delve into the case of a US mother accused of sharing fake deepfake images to disrupt her daughter's cheerleading rivals, only to reveal a twist in the story. Additionally, they explore how cybercriminals have been exploiting a covert online service to pilfer one-time passcodes from boomers for SIM swap attacks and financial theft. The hosts provide insights into these incidents, shedding light on the tactics used by cyber offenders and the implications of such scams for both individuals and society

 A surprising development in a case involving fake deepfake videos and stealing one-time passcodes is discussed in the \Smashing Security\ podcast

The podcast serves as a cautionary tale, showcasing the dangers of deepfake technology and the vulnerabilities in online security systems that adversaries exploit for malicious purposes.