A third-party risk assessment is essential in the Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) lifecycle as it provides data on vendor risk to help cybersecurity teams mitigate supplier risks. It forms the backbone of TPRM, integrating into phases like onboarding where due diligence is done, vendor classification is determined, and risk profiles are created. In the risk assessment phase, initial risk assessments delve deeper into the vendor's risk profile, focusing on security practices, regulatory compliance, and cyber framework alignment

 A third-party risk assessment in cybersecurity helps understand and mitigate supplier risks

The process includes security questionnaires tailored to each vendor. The subsequent risk analysis and evaluation involve scoring methodologies for prioritizing risks, leading to a risk management framework and continuous monitoring. Challenges such as poor scalability, visibility, and risk assessment collaboration hinder the effectiveness of third-party risk assessments and require solutions like AI technology, enhanced communication with stakeholders, and improved collaboration workflows. ```