The Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy (JCNSS) criticized big tech companies like X, TikTok, Snap, Meta, Microsoft, and Google for their uncoordinated approach to addressing the risks of disinformation and deepfakes in elections, highlighting the lack of accountability, transparency, and regulatory measures in handling harmful digital content, potentially creating 'echo chambers' that limit informed judgment. The committee stressed the need for proactive anticipation, coordination, and cooperation from big tech companies to combat sophisticated threats to elections, emphasizing the role of democratically accountable authorities over tech companies in arbitrating free speech. Concerns were raised about the opaque and diffuse statements provided by tech companies in response to inquiries, lacking evidence of coordinated progress and regulatory oversight, prompting the committee to call for more accountability, transparency, and cooperation to effectively tackle election threats posed by AI, disinformation, misinformation, and deepfakes

 Parliamentary committee criticises big tech response to election threats