The 2024 Voice of the CISO Report by Proofpoint highlights that a significant majority of Canadian CISOs, over 80%, perceive human error as the primary cybersecurity risk. The report emphasizes the shift towards utilizing AI-powered technology to combat human-centric cyber threats, with 86% of Canadian CISOs turning to this solution. Although concerns about cyber attacks have escalated, showing 90% feeling at risk of an attack in the next year, there is a growing confidence in their ability to defend against these threats

 More than 4 in 5 Canadian CISOs view human error as a top cybersecurity risk

The report also reveals that CISOs are increasingly focusing on mitigating human risk, with 90% identifying negligent employees as a key cybersecurity concern over the next two years. The study, which gathered insights from 1,600 CISOs globally, underscores the evolving cybersecurity landscape and the importance of strategic defenses and technology-driven solutions in protecting organizations' people and data.